Afrikaans Discussoin Series: Kalahari-waarheid

60 Minutes

4 October


Adam Small Seminar Room


Kalahari Waarheid is an Afrikaans adaptation of the book Kalahari RainSong which was published in 2004 by the University of KwaZulu-Natal Press. It chronicles the life of Belinda Kruiper from the time that she started working as a receptionist at the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park in 1997 and went on to win the trust of the San, assist them with their land claims, marry the renowned artist Vetkat and work at the South African San Institute. The SBA (The Foundation for Empowerment through Afrikaans) has published the book, filled with Kalahari stories about lions and jackals, the never-ending dunes and the starry expanse of the night sky, to draw attention to the Kalahari San, South Africa’s First Nation.

With Belinda Kruiper and Lyntjie Jaars