Science Café

60 Minutes

1 October


2 October


3 October


Die Khaya Café


The Stellenbosch Science Café is an initiative of SU’s Faculty of Science that encourages public discussions about scientific issues in a language everyone can understand.

When (And Not If) the Next Pandemic Hits Us

In the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic, millions of people worldwide are battling a not well-understood phenomenon called long Covid – broadly defined as symptoms and conditions that continue or develop after acute Covid-19 infection. At the same time, infectious disease specialists are warning that the world should prepare for another pandemic. In this Science Café discussion,. internationally recognised specialists Bertie Fielding, Tulio de Oliveira and Resia Pretorius address this dilemma.

1 OCT (English)

Get to Know Your Mushrooms and Contribute to (Citizen) Science

Citizen scientists and platforms such as iNaturalist have become the eyes and ears of scientists on a mission to document and record the rich bounty of biodiversity on offer in the Southern Hemisphere. In the case of fungi and mushrooms, many Southern African species have still to be discovered. Join one of South Africa’s leading citizen mycologists, Andrew Killian, in conversation with microbiologist Karin Jacobs and mycologist Breyten van der Merwe.

2 OCT (Afrikaans English)

Grieving for Nature

What is ecological grief and why does it matter? In our own short life spans we are experiencing the large-scale loss and degradation of nature. We have first-hand experience of extreme droughts, floods, heat waves and windstorms. We must ask, what lies ahead for our children and their children? Join Prof. Louise Green, journalist and author Leonie Joubert and conservationist Wendy Foden as they share their perspectives, fears, and hope for the future

3 OCT (English)