Waldimar Pelser
M-NET Director: kykNET Channels
When can we describe a community as flourishing? To flourish means to have more than a roof over one’s head and food on the table.
Thriving communities are constantly in discussion, both internally and externally. Healthy communities engage in conversations with themselves, with their history, and with other communities through words, sound and images. They do this through discourse, music, the performing and visuale arts. Also through theatre, television and film.
It’s a vibrant endeavour, this conversation, and requires the willingness to listen as well as talk, and to look as well as show. It is the best way to learn about ourselves and one another.
It is a great privilege for kykNET to once again be a sponsor of the Toyota SU Woordfees, where so many animated conversations take place. The festival is a spirited and inspiring celebration of the ways in which we can build better and more integrated communities that will not only survive, but also flourish.
Since 2020, the Toyota SU Woordfees has been committed to exploring and celebrating our shared humanity, our country and the languages we speak, through the arts. This admirable goal – to show something of who we are and create new meaning through what we do – also lies at the heart of kykNET’s creative project in Afrikaans.
On kykNET and kykNET&kie we explore who we are as South Africans; we are entertained by drama that is rooted in reality, but also in dreams; we inform through topical programmes and we also laugh together at what makes us unique. On kykNET Now! we proudly invest in all genres of music, including classical music.
It is kykNET’s hope that this year’s Toyota SU Woordfees will bring together South Africans who are hungry for soul food and entertainment, for talking and for listening, and for sharing something of themselves.
We are proud to be part of such a tradition.